5 Cool Ideas For Your Photo Booth Props

5 Cool Ideas For Your Photo Booth Props


Every photo booth should have a healthy supply of props nearby to allow customers to create even more outrageous images. While the standard props of oversized hats and sunglasses are always popular, you can go outside the box and come up with prop ideas that will attract more people to your photo booth and generate more revenue.

Customer Prop Day

One of the coolest photo booth prop ideas is to have a contest one day out of each month where customers make their own props to use in pictures. Customers must take their pictures in your photo booth, post their pictures on your social media page, and then post their picture on their own social media page to qualify. You will need to make rules such as no obscene or dangerous props, but this kind of thing could become a very popular monthly event at your business.


While the oversized sunglasses are fun, your prop supply should not stop there. Get on the Internet and scour the novelty sunglasses websites for a variety of sunglasses that people will just want to try. Sunglasses with lenses made to look like lemon slices or Elton John inspired sunglasses with feathers and big stars for lenses would bring in a crowd. You can even keep track of the most popular sunglasses and offer them for sale to your customers.

Giant Props

A rose is nice when it comes to a picture, but a rose the size of a person would be even better. Take a look around for oversize props that will make your customers laugh and come back for more. Boots, bugs, pencils, coffee cups, and anything that is abnormally large is going to be popular for your photo booth and attract more attention to your business.

Superhero Masks

If you offer full superhero masks then you run the risk of having them stolen, and customers might complain that the masks are unsanitary. But there are websites where you can print out paper masks that only take up the top half of your customers’ faces, and these masks will be a hit. You can cut them out and tape them to sticks for your customers to use, and then let your customers take them home with your business name printed in big letters on the back.

Mini Hats

While oversize items are fun, smaller items can also be a blast. Mini-size top hats are a hit no matter where they are, and you don’t have to stop at top hats to get mini hats that work. Mini baseball caps, military caps, and winter hats with ear flaps can all help your customers to create funny moments that will be captured on your company’s photo booth.

When you own a photo booth, you are only scraping the tip of the iceberg when it comes to possibilities for your customers. With some creative thinking, you can provide props that will help enhance your customers’ good time and drive more revenue to your business.

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