Casting a Wide Net: Photo Booth Target Markets

Casting a Wide Net: Photo Booth Target Markets


Broad appeal, an added attraction, an instant draw. These are just some phrases that describe the capabilities of a photo booth from the eyes of your customers. So, you have been looking at our photo booth selection and although you like the possibilities that a photo booth has to offer, you just cannot seem to picture how a photo booth would appeal to your customers. The problem you are having is that you are not thinking of the wide net that a photo booth actually casts.

What are the target markets for a photo booth? That is a good question and one that may surprise many. From young to old, from modern to classic, photo booths offer something for everyone. Whether it is a nostalgic yearning from yesteryear or a selfie-centric generator of today, one thing everyone can agree on is that it draws people in. It offers an experience and the ability to capture memories and take them with you (in the form of a photo strip or other upsell opportunities). You may be thinking small scope, and focusing in on only your regular customers, which may be causing hesitation in purchasing a photo booth for your business. While your regulars will come to appreciate your state-of-the-art photo booth, and use it from time to time, they are not your most profitable target market. If you have any of the following groups frequenting your establishment, then a photo booth is going to play a major role in generating more revenue for you.


The stereotypical image of tourists from the movies, at least the ones from the early 90s, is the individual in the Hawaiian shirt with the camera around their neck. While this is a clear send up of tourists, there exists some truth in this portrayal. As a tourist you are visiting and therefore are inclined to document your stay. Photos become necessary, whether it is for yourself as a souvenir or whether it is to show your family back home, tourists are guaranteed to be a market that will truly take advantage of a photo opportunity. If your business is one that tourists frequent, then you need to get a photo booth installed ASAP. Establishments of all kinds tend to become favorites for tourists, and it is normal for the owners of those establishments to offer revenue generating options to those tourists. If tourists seems like a major market for your location, then a photo booth is a necessity for your business.

Music Fans

Music fans can be described as loyal, devoted and in most cases obsessed. So it only makes sense that when you bring in live music, you will attract a large crowd, some of which have never visited your business before. To most of them, a photo booth is a fun novelty they can use to capture the memories of seeing their favorite musicians live, but more than that it captures the memory of your of your establishment. In reality, this type of situation is one of the most successful ones for a photo booth to be in. Your photo booth may be a novelty to the music fans, but it becomes a serious source of revenue for your business.


When you see a family, you are hard pressed to not view them as a symbol of sentimentality. Most parents can’t bear their children growing up and will often be heard uttering “If I could just capture you at this moment, at this age and keep you like that forever, I’d be happy”. Well with photo booths, that odd but endearing wish becomes somewhat of a reality. There are many establishments that operate as family restaurants during the day, and then nightclubs when the sun goes down. If you have a restaurant that is frequented by families, especially with children, then you will be able to generate a profit with your photo booth. Even if those families are regular customers, you will still see regular activity because the children love the novelty of a photo booth and the parents love the ability to capture “family moments” and save them as cherished keepsakes.

Banquet Groups

If your facility includes a banquet hall and you do not have a photo booth, then you are allowing a great deal of revenue to get away. When a banquet group sees your photo booth, they will want to get involved in taking and sharing pictures right away. As word spreads through the banquet group about your photo booth, you will start to see a steady stream of people adding money to your company’s bottom line.

If your organization sees any of these groups of consumers, and you do not have a photo booth in your establishment, then you are sadly leaving money on the table. Face Place has software upgrades and specialty photo booths, which fit a multitude of needs and requirements, so you can keep your regulars engaged, as well as enticing these other target groups with fresh designs and other updates. When it comes to putting a photo booth in your business, your focus should always be on maximizing the profit potential and getting as much engagement with customers as possible. After all with the appeal of a photo booth, it is an all-inclusive concept that casts a wide net, and you know what they say about casting wide nets…the catch is inevitable.

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