Enhance Customer Interaction With A Face Place Photo Booth

Enhance Customer Interaction With A Face Place Photo Booth


It was not that long ago when business experts, and even retail business owners, were saying that the idea of the brick and mortar store would soon be completely replaced with online shopping. But while online shopping can be convenient, many customers are looking for an experience to go along with their shopping adventure. When you add a photo booth to a brick and mortar store, you get the kind of interactive experience that not only gets people talking, but keeps them coming back.

It Is All About Being Social

In a New York Times article written by Courtney Rubin titled “Smile! Photo Booths Prove You’re a Happy Customer“, light was shone on the social interaction between customers and the photo booths they came across. In the article, Dave Gilboa, a founder of Warby Parker, stated “We [a brick and mortar establishment] wanted to offer something that wasn’t available through e-commerce”. Brick and mortar institutions need this draw, and Face Place provides it to them in the form of quality attractions with their state-of-the-art photo booths.

While the customers take great pictures that they are able to share with friends on social media, our photo booths installed with innovative Face Place Smile 2.0 Software, allow business’ to collect information such as the customer’s email addresses. Our social media sharing feature also grant establishments the opportunity to set the booths to have customers who opt to share on social media “auto follow” the business’ social media handle. These features allow the customer to retain and share the memories of your establishment and the great time they had there, while allowing you the opportunity to keep in touch or create targeted marketing campaigns. I know what you must be thinking, all this is done through a photo booth? With a Face Place photo booth the answer is a resounding yes!

The more fun groups of customers have sharing photos, the more others will want to get in on the action. Photo booths have a contagious effect that entice other groups of customers to join in on the fun. When these pictures hit the Internet, suddenly there are thousands of people who see how much fun customers are having at a particular business and revenue starts to grow.

Take Care Of The Details

There is more to this idea of growing your business by installing a Face Place photo booth than simply installing the booth. As many retail store owners are seeing, details are extremely important. A boutique eyeglasses shop has backgrounds that are custom paintings made by a New York City artist to add flair to each picture. One store in Miami has arranged its photo booth in such a way that the final picture looks like the customers were placed in a boat on the water.

Something that sets us apart from others is that at Face Place we grant business’ the option to create custom graphic decals to place on their photo booth. This means optimal opportunity for branding, but also an amazing opportunity to have your photo booth truly stand out. Have your venues logo proudly displayed in the center of an art piece surrounded by images and intriguing design aesthetic, or dress it down and have your logo prominently displayed on a less busy design. The options are unlimited and are only constrained by the boundaries of your imagination.

More Than A Picture

Face Place photo booths offer amazing upsell features, especially with their AMOA Innovator Award winning Face Place Smile 2.0 Product Fulfillment feature, which allows customers to have their photos printed on various merchandise from keychains to cell phone cases. The resulting pictures are marketing gold that cannot be created any other way.

If you want your customers excited about your business, then you need to give them an outlet to show their excitement. Photo booths are expanding out of amusement centers, bars and wedding receptions into retail stores that want to give their excited customers outlets to show off their new purchases. Smiling customers sharing pictures on social media with the store’s logo on the picture will bring in more smiling customers, which makes the whole thing well worth it for the stores.

It is time to stop thinking about a photo booth from Face Place as a novelty, and consider it a functioning part of your marketing strategy. When you install a Face Place photo booth in your business, you will give your customers a chance to show everyone else why your business is the one they prefer. Face Place photo booths provide higher quality, greater individuality and increased profits. Face Place photo booths grant the interactivity customers today crave while allowing business’ to gain more visibility and increased marketing tactics. Do your customers and your business a favor and enhance your customer interaction with one of our award winning photo booths!


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