Face Place Photo Booths To Scare Up Earnings With Brand New Halloween Graphics
Operators of Face Place Photo Booths are in for a treat this Halloween! New art, borders and graphics have been uploaded to the Face Place photo booths via their advanced Smile 2.0 Network. This holiday promotional campaign is automatic and free to all Face Place operators, and better yet they don’t have to lift a finger – or spend a dime — to make it happen. Graphics are remotely and automatically uploaded as long as your booth is networked and online.
“Apple continually downloads new art packages to networked Face Place equipment in order to drive more holiday business,” said COO Scott Avery. “There’s another popular holiday practically every month of the year, and we support them with new graphics from New Year’s Eve to Valentine’s Day to Saint Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and of course Christmas.”
In fact, in past holiday weekends the company saw earnings spike as much as 110% higher than a typical weekend with help from new art and graphics such as photo frames, borders and themes.
As soon as a customer begins the process of selecting pictures, the themed borders automatically pop up as the first option for all photo booths.
“We have discovered when customers see our fun holiday borders and in-picture art, they come back and take more photos,” noted Apple executives. “Halloween tends to bring out the fun and spirited nature in all of us and what is more fun and spirited than a photo booth?”
“Apple’s business model links our success to the success of our operators,” declared Avery. “After the initial sale we don’t make money unless the operator makes money, because we supply the paper that Face Place booths use to vend those beatiful prints. You may pay more for film, but when you make $150 to $200 more on just one holiday, it more than covers the cost. That’s why we promote holiday business so aggressively with a steady stream of downloads for new art and graphics. We have been doing it for years, and our operators can look forward to a bewitching treat in their cashbox for every Halloween to come!”
Apple Industries Inc. is the world’s leading provider of consumer digital imaging solutions for retail environments. Apple Industries manufactures, markets and sells the award winning line of Face Place digital photo booths. Face Place photo booths contain Smile 2.0 software which allows customers to purchase photo strips, 4×6 photos, and to share their photos directly from the photo booths by email, Facebook or Twitter. Apple Industries has been in the photo, vending, coin-operated machine and event planning industries for more than 30 years.